Circular Food
A collation of key works by the Circular Food team
Community Growing in Cornwall
Circular food systems: a blueprint for
regenerative innovations in a regional UK context
Lestar, T., & Böhm, S. (2020). Ecospirituality and sustainability transitions: agency towards degrowth. Religion, State & Society, 48(1), 56-73.
Joosse, S., Powell, S., Bergeå, H., Böhm, S., Calderón, C., Caselunghe, E., ...& Westin, M. (2020). Critical, Engaged and Change-oriented Scholarship in Environmental Communication. Six Methodological Dilemmas to Think with. Environmental Communication, 14(6), 758-771.
Lanka, S., Böhm, S. and Khadaroo, I. (2017) ‘Agroecology accounting: biodiversity and sustainable livelihoods from the margins’, Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, 30(7): 1592-1613.
Böhm, S., Misoczky, M. C., Watson, D., & Lanka, S. (2016). Alternatives to Green Growth?: Possibilities and contradictions of self-managed food production. Green Growth: Political Ideology, Political Economy and Policy Alternatives. Zed Books.
Moog, S., Spicer, A., & Böhm, S. (2015). The politics of multi-stakeholder initiatives: The crisis of the Forest Stewardship Council. Journal of Business Ethics, 128(3), 469-493.
Fontoura, Y., Bharucha, Z. P., & Böhm, S. (2016). A transnational agri-food system for whom? The struggle for hegemony at Rio+ 20. Revista de Administração de Empresas, 56(4), 424-437.
Tenorio Olivarez, M.L., Pascucci, S Dekker, M., Boekel, T. Verkerk, R.. (2021) What does it take to go global? The role of quality alignment and complexity in designing international food supply chains. Supply Chain Management: an International Journal, 6/4 (2021) 467–480.
Borrello, M., Pascucci, S., Caracciolo, F., Lombardi, A., & Cembalo, L. (2020). Consumers are willing to participate in circular business models: A practice theory perspective to food provisioning. Journal of Cleaner Production, 121013.
Materia, V., Pascucci, S., Dries, L. (2017). Are In‐House and Outsourcing Innovation Strategies Correlated? Evidence from the European Agri‐Food Sector. Journal of Agricultural Economics, 68(1), 249-268.
Nuhoff-Isakhanyan G., Wubben, E., Omta, O., Pascucci, S. (2017). Network structure in sustainable agro-industrial parks. Journal of Cleaner Production. 141, 1209-1220.
Lerro, M., Vecchio, R., Caracciolo, F., Pascucci, S., Cembalo, L. (2018). Assessing consumers' heterogeneous preferences towards corporate social responsibility for food products. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management
Materia V., Pascucci S., Kolympiris C. (2015). Understanding the selection processes of public research projects in agriculture: The role of scientific merit. Food Policy, 56, 87-99.
Van der Werff, S., Trienekens, J., Hagelaar, G., & Pascucci, S. (2018). Patterns in sustainable relationships between buyers and suppliers: evidence from the food and beverage industry. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, 1-22.